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Alex Shpilman
29 août 20219 min de lecture
Ancient Roots. Modern Winery.
Shiloh Winery is a unique winery, which represents the journey of the Jewish story from their beginnings as a people in Biblical times, to t
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Alex Shpilman
29 août 20213 min de lecture
We are transported back in time roughly three millennia. Long before Jerusalem was even a twinkle in King David’s eye, and prior to the cons
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Alex Shpilman
29 août 202110 min de lecture
יקב שילה
שנים רבות גרמו לנו להאמין שיין טוב אפשר להכין רק מענבים שגדלו באזור זכרון יעקב. שם שכנו היקבים הוותיקים של ישראל ושם ניטעו חלקות כרם...
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Alex Shpilman
29 août 20218 min de lecture
Винодельня Шило - составные успеха
История виноделия Израиля имеет многовековые корни, столь же глубокие, как и корни старых виноградных лоз. Оно процветало в древности,...
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Alex Shpilman
29 août 202110 min de lecture
Imagine winemaking at Ancient Shiloh 3,000 years ago. This was where the Tabernacle and Ark of the Covenant resided before Jerusalem came...
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Alex Shpilman
29 août 20214 min de lecture
Next Year in Jerusalem - לְשָׁנָה הַבָּאָה בִּירוּשָׁלָיִם
Every year at the Seder table we sing “Next Year in Jerusalem” with great fervor, but how many of us turn that enthusiasm into action?...
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Alex Shpilman
26 août 20217 min de lecture
Shiloh Winery
“There are a lot of natural advantages for making great wine in Israel,” says Amichai Lourie, winemaker at the popular and successful...
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